Friday, August 5, 2011

The turd that raised the debt ceiling.

Generally speaking, I am not usually a conspiracy theorist person.  In my opinion, conspiracies are almost impossible to pull off because people are human and humans have emotions and egos.  People who are evil enough to pull off most conspiracies will usually also be very untrustworthy gatekeepers for a conspiracy.  So in order for a conspiracy to work, it would be necessary for everyone involved to have their hands equally dirty so that their secret can be kept, and even then that won't stop one of the conspirators from "cutting a deal."  That's why conspiracies involving 9/11 and Humans going to the moon, in my opinion are complete garbage. 
That being said, I would like to pose for you one conspiracy that I think that has taken place.  Now mind you, I have no facts about this.  Merely speculation and logic.  This theory involves the recent debacle with the debt ceiling and the turd sandwich congress passed that is essentially bringing down our economy and will be the economic undoing of the United States of America.
I would like to you to go back a few weeks when the big thing in the news was none other than Rupert Murdoch.  That lasted about a week.  Juxtapose that to the Casey Anthony trial before that which went on and on and on for several weeks.  Murdoch was in hot water.  He was being grilled by Parliament and decried by every political pundit out there until... warnings of the debt ceiling and rumblings from congress saying that they weren't just going to raise the debt ceiling but rather they wanted change.   And who was rattling their sabre the loudest?  Murdoch's darlings in the Tea Party.  And what did they end up doing?  Creating a turd sandwich so large that America will be eating it for decades. 
With all eyes off Murdoch, it went completely unnoticed that his son, James Murdoch, was reaffirmed as Chairman of the Board for British Sky Broadcasting.  In case you didn't know, Newscorp (Rupert Murdoch's company which owns Fox News) was set to purchase the controlling shares of BSkyB before it was forced to drop its bid because of the phone hacking scandal.  This would have made Newscorp the dominant media company in Brittan and therefore, it would have resulted in something akin to all propaganda all the time for England. 
As it stands, there is so much drama still going on with the Murdochs that I'm surprised they haven't turned it into a reality show yet.  First, they stopped paying the legal fees of the private investigator they used to get all the information for the hacking.  Second, two people very high up in Newscorp have come forward to say that James Murdoch, might have been very mistaken when he said he had no knowledge of the phone hacking.  There are no names of these two yet, but given that the private investigator will likely not be able to defend himself any longer, it is likely that he will quickly cooperate with authorities and spill everything he knows.  I suspect that the younger Murdoch is going to bet his cards on a game of  "he said, she said."
But back across the pond, we have our debacle.  We're scarcely paying attention to the House that Murdoch Built because we are watching our economy disintegrate before our very eyes.  Like the Twin Towers that crumbled before our eyes, our economy is doing the same.  Ironically, when Bin Laden attacked on 9/11 he said it was his goal to financially ruin the United States.  And now it looks like with the help of the Tea Party, his goal has been accomplished.  Who needs terrorists when you have idiots in positions of power?

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